work related injuries

The workplace, despite its apparent safety measures, can pose significant risks to employees, leading to a myriad of work-related injuries every year in the United States. From physical labor to repetitive tasks, various occupational hazards contribute to a substantial number of workers' compensation claims annually. While workplace injuries can encompass a wide range of conditions, certain types are more prevalent than others. Among the most common workplace injuries are:

1. Herniated discs

2. Muscle sprains

3. Soft tissue strains

4. Sciatica

5. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

These injuries can result in debilitating pain, chronic discomfort, and in severe cases, numbness and tingling sensations.

Did you know?

Back pain stands out as the most frequently reported workplace injury, serving as the leading cause of employee absenteeism year after year. Whether attributed to prolonged standing, repetitive movements, or heavy lifting, the muscles, discs, and vertebrae of the upper and lower back are highly susceptible to injury in the workplace.

Understanding Work-Related Injuries:

Determining whether an injury is work-related is crucial for filing a successful workers' compensation claim. Generally, if the injury occurred while performing duties for your employer, it qualifies as a work-related injury. This includes incidents within the workplace premises, as well as those occurring off-site or during travel in a company vehicle.

What to Do in Case of Injury:

In the event of a workplace injury, prompt action is essential. Most workplace injuries involve the musculoskeletal system, affecting muscles, joints, bones, or nerves. If you sustain an injury while on the job, it is imperative to seek medical attention immediately. Contact our office to schedule an appointment, where our team specializes in treating workplace injuries and can provide the necessary care and guidance.

Recovery and Rehabilitation:

The duration of recovery from a work-related injury varies depending on the severity and nature of the injury. Rehabilitation plays a vital role in expediting the recovery process and facilitating the return to work. At Hands-On Orthopedics & Injury Center, we understand the urgency of getting injured employees back to their jobs promptly. Through personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's needs, we strive to achieve optimal recovery and ensure a timely return to work.

In summary, navigating workers' compensation claims requires a clear understanding of work-related injuries, timely medical intervention, and comprehensive rehabilitation to support employees in their journey toward recovery and return to work.

For those seeking advanced diagnosis and treatment for a work related injury, contacting Hands-On Orthopedics & Injury Center or scheduling an appointment online is recommended.

New patients, call us at 727-645-0925 or 813-945-2663

Existing patients can click here to find an appointment time that works for you.